On the 19th-21st August, the Low Carb Lifestyle Long Weekend will be on again for the 3rd year in a row!

A virtual summit focused solely on women’s health. Covering the many nuances required when it comes to healing with lifestyle change.

I love creating communities. I love sharing hope. I love showing people that “their world is what they think it is… but that there is a whole world beyond their thinking.”

You can change. You can transform. You can heal. And you can do all that and still live the best possible life you can today. You don’t have to wait to achieve your health goals. You can live life now… because it is moving along at a steady pace, and if you don’t embrace each and every day you will miss so much of it!

As a health coach, I work every day with people helping them to heal and transform their lives. Healing our health often requires an internal healing of the mind as well. A seeing beyond all the habits, thoughts and beliefs that got you to where you are today, but are not going to take you to where you want to go. My job is to show you how it works, light up your path, and get you back in to the drivers seat of your life. And here are a few things I’ve seen that help to set yourself on the right path.

I’ve seen that the secret to becoming the author of your own life is not about having the right answers, but rather the right questions.

The questions we most often find ourselves asking continuously when it comes to ‘health’ are along the lines of:

  • How do I lose weight?
  • How do I maintain weight loss?
  • How do I get the look I want?

And while there is nothing wrong with asking these questions, weight loss can never be an end in and of itself. We really do it in the service of a far greater purpose.

That of living a rich and meaningful life.

So what questions could we ask instead? What questions could we ask to help us to develop strategies for living, so that we can live our life with a sense of purpose today… and it doesn’t have to wait until we reach our health and weight loss goals? Why not consider these ones:

  • How will weight loss improve my health?
  • How will improved health help me develop friendship and love?
  • How will improved health help me positively influence my world?
  • How will improved health help me give and find joy?

When we spend time out of the ‘rat race’ and busyness of life to honestly answer those questions, we will find we are far more motivated to lose weight, and then to keep it off – and our life will be organised around a deep, guiding purpose. Weight loss will no longer be at the centre of our universe. It will be a side effect, a side benefit of what we achieve when we go about living a meaningful life with improved metabolic health.

Often though, we think of health as an extra in our life, as something we will get to once we’ve taken care of the ‘important things’. We never seem to have time to shop or cook nourishing foods, and we’re in such a rush that the multi billion dollar industry of fast food has convinced us we just don’t have time. And of course our supermarkets are full of junk foods, many of them masquerading as ‘health foods’.

But the major problem with putting our health second is that health underpins all that matters. If we’re sick in bed or have little energy, we will be less able to express friendship and love, influence our world, and do enjoyable things. If we eat a diet that doesn’t give us sustained energy, then sometimes we will have lots of energy, and sometimes we will be tired and grumpy. And this moodiness may push other people away.

I know you know that health matters. At an intellectual level at least.

But all too often, we don’t let this knowledge influence how we live. And to make it even harder, we’ve been given the wrong information to make our choices on to begin with (which is why this Summit exists).

Regardless of whether we know or we don’t know what our body needs most, we frequently act as if our body and brain are self-maintaining machines that will never break down. This is easy to do, because most of what goes on in our body we simply cannot see.

But what we do see are the long term consequences of not eating in a way human beings are designed to eat. We get sick, reduced cognitive function, decreased emotional wellbeing, reduced physical function and chronic disease.

Humans tend to only want to tip the scales towards change if we’re shocked in to doing it. When it comes to our health, we may be lucky and get a shock or a wake up call that will challenge us to look at our behaviours and whether they’re taking us towards the life we want to live… or away from it.

This will have been the experience of many of the presenters involved in this Summit (including myself).

But you don’t have to wait for that shock to make health a priority. In fact, it’s far better that you don’t, as prevention is a much easier path.

Regardless of what your current state of health is right now, it’s never too late. If you’re still here on this earth, you have this very day. You can start to invest your time and energy in to valuing your long term health TODAY.

This is what I hope this Summit gifts you with.

The inspiration, motivation and the right information you need to take those steps towards creating the life you want.

Authentic living often comes when we decide to move towards the life we want, instead of running away from it.

Towards…. not away. No more running away from facing the realities of where you are today. Accepting that you absolutely did the best you knew how to do to get you this point. And now, with different knowledge, insight and awareness, you can now change the direction and set course towards doing what you need to do to give you the metabolic health you deserve.

Be brave, acknowledge the fear, and step forward anyway.

Trust that if you’re here reading this, it is time.

Love Tracey xxx