Want to learn all you need to thrive over a short 7 week period? Then come and hang out with Tracey and her Art of Thriving group!

Over 7 consecutive Mondays on Zoom, starting on Monday 10th October, Tracey will be sharing with you what she’s seen as the most fundamental pieces of the puzzle to learn to thrive at living.  You will also join in with her Thrivers while you’re doing this, and join a hugely supportive, fun, knowledgeable and engaging group of people who have been looking where Tracey is pointing them for the past 4 months. For them, it will be a refresher, and they will be a great support to you as a beginner.

What will be covered on each week?

  1. Getting clear on what matters to you. This matters! And can then be a very powerful driver to help you with behaviour change
  2. Developing your skills to notice what is happening in the moment. Noticing, observing, being curious. All important parts of the change puzzle that allow us to see we have many choices in any situation we are confronted with.
  3. Releasing the pressure valve. Oh yes, what a novel concept! Let’s look at why this is an important concept for you to take on board
  4. Practising self kindness and compassion. If you’re not doing this, you’re missing out. We’re mostly conditioned to be hard on ourselves. Is it working? Why not learn a much more powerful way for you to get things done that matters to you?
  5. Learning how to eat mindfully. Focusing on what we eat, how we eat, how we think we eat… and more.
  6. Finding real motivation to move. Moving matters! We’re designed to move. Let’s look at where motivation comes from and how to tap in to something that is effortless.
  7. The final week we will wrap it all up.

The FAQ’s:

  1. While showing up live will be most impactful for you, they are recorded if you miss them to watch later
  2. Each session is 1 hour
  3. You will also gain further resources to read, watch and enjoy after each session
  4. You don’t have to have your camera on or contribute in the group
  5. There are no refunds!
  6. If you show up as a beginner, you will walk away with a huge amount of insight on how you can thrive
  7. There are no guarantees. I show you, you look. What you do is up to you. You are responsible for your life, own that!
  8. If you decide you want more, you can join the Art of Thriving group at a 30% discount. Once you sign up here, you will get a discount code. This then gives you access to everything in that group, all past Zooms, plus the private FB group. Learn more about the Art of Thriving here.
  9. Any questions? Contact tracey@traceymcbeath.com.au

Be ready, be open, be willing, be curious, be teachable!

See you in the group!

Tracey xxx