Change is a gradual, step by step, moment by moment choice.

Awareness that you don’t have follow that voice in your head, no matter how loud it is and how long you’ve been following it for.

I recommend you become very sceptical that your thoughts ever say much that’s worthy of your attention, certainly those first reactions. The first ones are usually habitual and will be wanting to keep you doing your habit. Acting on it gives you short term relief. But is it giving you what you’re wanting? Be honest with yourself. Humans can convince themselves of anything… but only the truth will set you free.

You can’t turn your habitual thoughts and urges off, but you can quieten them down over time by not acting on them.

Every time you do act on the message, you strengthen them. The brain thinks they’re indeed necessary for your survival. With awareness, you can see that you can decide which thoughts to act on. Thoughts send the idea to walk to the fridge, but you are the one who decided to act on it. This is why getting off autopilot is so important for growth.

If you don’t notice the thoughts – which can happen when we’re disconnected and have been doing our habit on autopilot for so long – then notice the feeling.

Thought creates the feeling, and it’s this feeling that we look to numb or avoid through our behaviour. All feelings come from thought. It cannot work in any other way. Making this connection is hugely empowering (I will go into this in my first webinar on understanding where your experience of life is coming from).

If you want to head in a different direction, you have to let go of the old thoughts and allow space for the new. Letting go of the old ones is about awareness, acceptance and looking away. I see you there, I don’t fear you, I know why you’re there, but thank you.

You’re not serving me. I will make this choice instead.

You’re not in control. I am

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