When I talk about food, whether that be with my kids or my clients, I talk about it in terms of nutrients. What nutrients are in the food and what this does for our body, how easily our body can access it, and then whether there are any side effects of our body having to metabolise the food.

Especially with my kids, I don’t talk about ‘good’ or ‘bad’ food. There is only ‘food’ or ‘non food’. There’s food we want to eat lots of for mind and body fuel, and there’s food we want to only eat sometimes if we choose to.

When my kids eat any food, sometimes my question will be “What does this food do for us?”

“It gives us muscles” as they flex their guns

“It helps us grow”

“It feeds our brain”

“It keeps our eyes sharp!”

“It gives us energy”

When we peel back the layers of dogma, vested interests, belief systems and agendas when it comes to nutrition and look at it from a nutrient perspective it makes food choices for yourself and your family so much easier. Your challenge is to not let the ideology, misinformation or other peoples beliefs systems get in the way of these undisputed facts.

It’s no secret that I love meat. And for very good reason. It was a huge part of what helped me to heel pre diabetes and hashimotos. It is also one of the most nutrient dense foods we can ever eat, and it has been wrongly demonised when it comes to not just our health, but the health of the planet. Ruminant animals are incredible (cows, goats, sheep). They take grass (which we can’t eat), and turn it in to the most nutrient dense foods we could possibly eat. And they can graze where nothing else can grow. I’m no expert on this, but I’ve read, listened, and learned enough from people who are to be very comfortable with both mostly only eating meat, and also feeding that to my family.

But I want you to think for yourself, not just believe me, or what Jo Blo says because they’ve heard it on the news or read it in the newspaper. If you scratch the surface of any agenda, the truth really isn’t that hard to find. So this post is about arming you with what you need to find out for yourself. Because when you do that, you will stop listening to people who are driven by agenda, and are just totally misinformed (well it may take awhile, but eventually you just stop listening). And your health will improve because of it.

So here are some posts and people with great information for you. I totally suggest you follow the work of:

Belinda Fettke No Fructose who has uncovered the origins of the plant based movement to religious ideologies of the Seventh Day Adventist Church

Sustainable Dish – Diana Rodgers, RD who along with Rob Wolf wrote an incredible book and put together a documentary called Sacred Cow.

Nina Teicholz seminal book called The Big Fat Surprise is a must read to understand who and what have been behind the dietary guidelines push that took us from the 70’s to a high carb, low fat, almost zero meat diet (yep, how’s that working??)

Dr Peter Ballerstedt Grass Based Health is someone who knows the high quality evidence around meat and nutrition and the health of the planet.

I also have a number of blog posts that list lots of resources for you on various topics.

Starting with some fun facts when it comes to food that you can download and share with the kids that go through the nutrients in foods (yes meat) and what those nutrients do for our body.









It doesn’t take much to look a little deeper. But as I said, your challenge is see beyond what you currently believe. Thought systems don’t like to be tampered with! I also have some information on how to understand thought systems, and then how to totally free ourselves from them. They really are made to be broken, and when we start holding our own lightly, we start to see a whole world beyond what we believe.

Have fun!
