Be grateful for situations that cause us to build our coping strategies, we are capable of hard things

 Healing isn’t about the scale. In fact, the scale pales into comparison when you realise what else is on offer.

Read, and be inspired as to what is possible! This is from a member of my group coaching. The Art of Thriving. I’m so happy for this lady who is gaining LIFE.


I did it!!! I have been at a conference for three days and ordinarily this would have been a massive festival of booze and drink for me…. And the expense used to be big!

I have been composing a list of wins using the notes section of my phone to keep my thinking on track. I am 6 kilos down, and can honestly say I’m not hungry. It is such a good feeling.

A part of my tool kit this weekend was to come back to the motel room and rest for a bit and listen to a summit talk (I have figured out when I’m tired it is a trigger for me to have a drink …I think because what I actually need is to have a rest).

My list:

  1. Seatbelt fitted no problem on the plane
  2. Can understand and process what I am reading and remember what I’ve read
  3. Appreciated the clouds out the window
  4. Feel energetic and happy
  5. Proactive about meeting my needs Eg shopping for non alcoholic drinks and low carb snacks before I get to hotel
  6. Not going to be hungover
  7. Not being the drunkest or obnoxious in the company of other people. Actually listening to others.
  8. Ordering a really nice low carb meal and feeling good after eating it.
  9. Being complimented by people I hadn’t seen for ages
  10. Saving a stack of money not buying alcohol
  11. Not being hangry
  12. No mental torture on whether or not I should have a drink and lying to myself that 1 or 2 would be enough. Just pure acceptance and a quiet mind! The debate is over
  13. Navigating the buffet at lunch like a boss
  14. Cost of dinner $60 compared to $135 that everyone else paid for alcohol / deserts/ breads included
  15. Waking up early and even though I only had 6 hours sleep I’m not feeling like a smashed crab and won’t be irritable all day because “I’m tired”

About to go and have a magnificent breaky and enjoy navigating another menu.

I heard/read from somewhere that we should be grateful for situations that cause us to build our coping strategies, we are capable of hard things… I know that now.

Thank you so much.

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